Alpha Indi
Web site:
Technologies: PHP/MySQL/HTML
Short description:
This is online shop for video games retailer. This web site help administrator to manage online shop, categorize items in the shop create advertising campaigns, also show banners from other online shops which helpful for income increasing. For web site users it is very convenient tool for purchasing video games, and exploring information about new products.
Detailed description:
One of the customer requirements was that web site shouldn't contains any open source or proprietary pieces of code.
For system administrator was developed next functions:
items management, this functionality allows organize games into categories, create and modify game descriptions, attach images screenshots to create more thorough game description.
- order's management, this functionality allows view information about orders including information about payments and delivery options
- payment systems management, this functionality allows administrator add new payment systems, check statistic information on already added payment systems
- advertising management, allows administrator manage advertising campaigns on web site, calculate income from external banners, view statistics information on advertising campaigns
- news managements, this functionality help to create more detailed description for new items in video games industry
- forum management, help administrator moderate and support forum For users web site is great tool to buy game over Internet and share their thoughts to each other through forum, and get even more detailed description before purchase.